Privacy Statement



On May 25th, 2018 new legislation, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), came into effect. This law ensures that you are clearly informed about personal information held about you, that you have access to it, and that it is kept confidential.

In adherence with this new legislation I will need you to carefully read through this Privacy Statement for Live Well Consulting Ltd., the website, operated by Jesse Tremblay before signing and agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of Service.


Confidentiality and Psychologists

Psychologists are licensed and regulated in the UK by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). It is recommended that we keep information about our clients such as contact details and session notes for 7 years.

The new legislation ensures that you have the right to have your information deleted. I will keep your data for 7 years in guidance with the HCPC and then all of your contact details, session notes and electronic correspondence will be permanently deleted. Should for some reason you wish for this to be destroyed or amended before this expiry period, then please contact me as you now have a legal ‘right to be forgotten’.


What data I will collect and why?

You will likely first make contact with me to inquire about one of my services through some form of electronic communication, email, via my website contact page or telephone voice or text message.

All emails to will be stored on Google Mail Cloud which is GDPR compliant and is securely password protected. Emails will be accessible from my laptop, iPhone and iPad, which are also all password protected and finger print encrypted.

If your initial contact does not lead to engagement with one of my services, then your emails/messages and any information will be deleted. If you become a client, then the information will be stored as outlined above. Your contact details in my telephone will be stored as your initials preceded by PC (private contact). My mobile phone is securely password protected to keep any messages you send confidential.


Your registration information will include

your name, address and date of birth

contact details of your next of kin to only be contacted in case of an emergency and only if you have expressly granted permission when signing your Terms and Conditions Agreement 

contact details of anyone medically responsible for you such as your General Practitioner (GP) or if applicable a referring psychiatrist or medical consultant

your email and/or telephone number for purposes of communicating any changes in agreed appointment time or sending you information, worksheets, material for our work together. You will need to opt-in to permit making such contact when signing your Terms and Conditions Agreement.


Should you choose to not allow me to contact your next of kin in an emergency or any persons medically responsible for you, such as your GP or psychiatrist, then I have to warn you of the potential risk this may cause to you if I am not able to get help in an emergency or share relevant information about your treatment with other professionals who are looking after you. Please see below information on when I may have to break confidentiality without your permission.


Ongoing data collection

I may take paper process notes during the session or go through worksheets with you. Your name will not be put on these documents. You will be encouraged to take these forms with you for your own records. If there are any documents I need to keep they will be scanned and uploaded to software where I will also record brief notes about our session. Any paper notes from the session will be destroyed. This procedure allows me to limit the transport of any documents that could get lost.

Your contact details, assessment information and subsequent notes from our meetings will be kept on GDPR compliant and securely password protected software called WriteUpp. Your information is securely stored on their cloud and not downloaded to any of my computers or devices.

You have a right to access any of the data I keep on you and requests will be responded to within 30 days without charge. Any documents that may be posted to me by you or on your behalf will also be stored digitally and then destroyed.

In order to process payments and keep track of my accounts, invoices and related account information will be processed by GDPR complaint accountancy software Xero. This software will securely store your email and name to enable it to generate invoices and reconcile your account. My accountant who is GDPR` compliant may have access to your name, address and payment details but none of your personal information about your treatment by logging into my accountancy software in order to prepare and file my tax returns. My personal assistant has signed a confidentiality agreement, is independently ICO registered and will have access to your administrative details, registration data, assessment forms, psychometrics, contact and payment information but does NOT have access to your session notes.


Confidentiality – what you need to know.

Psychologists have ongoing peer supervision as part of a running a safe and reflective practice. I may discuss my client work with my supervisor for reflection and advice, however, no names or identify details will be shared.  For example, I may say I am working with a young father who is experiencing stress balancing a corporate career and being available for his family, rather than John Smith who works for ‘named’ bank…

There are legal exceptions where I may need to be break confidentiality without your permission.


Your Safety

If you have become incapacitated and are unable to communicate consent for yourself in a situation of extreme emotional distress or in physical danger and I need to get you help.

You have given me reason to believe you are going to take your life or seriously injure yourself.


Public interest

Disclosure of information about child abuse.

Risk of serious injury or harm to someone else.

Act of terrorism or serious crime or miscarriage of justice.

If subpoenaed by a court of law.

 If possible, all efforts will be made to inform you of any disclosure and only pass on details that are relevant.




Thanking you for taking the time to read through my Privacy Statement. You can now review and decide on the Terms and Conditions Agreement.


Jesse Tremblay

Live Well Consulting Ltd.